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Ensuring Full Connectivity of Persons with Disabilities
MEFAPA’s vision is to ensure full connectivity of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) with current life determinants and equality aspired through APA
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The mission of MEFAPA is to assume sustainability of complete reliable inclusion of Persons with Disability (PWD) in our communities by empowering Adapted physical Activity (APA) productivity.


Research and considerable competency measures shall govern the reconstruction of responsible perspectives to ensure full connectivity of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) with current life determinants and equality aspired through APA.


Initiative, coordination, connection, and support. Training and advanced training of staff in the field of APA. Encouraging and promoting programs of study APA. Promoting information processing and exchange. And cooperation with national, regional, and international organizations.

Courses & Workshops

We conduct courses and workshops to spread awareness and best practices, and to educate and train staff in the field of APA.

Rehabilitation Programs

Our rehabilitation programs aim to ensure full connectivity of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) with current life determinants and equality aspired through APA.


Offering The Diploma of Sports Training for Coaches of Persons with Disabilities, preparing and qualifying Coaches in schools, centers and clubs on how to train sports for persons with disabilities.

And The Sport Coaching persons with Disabilities Specialist Course, preparing and qualifying Coaches in schools, centers and clubs on how and how to train sports for persons with disabilities.

Connect with us

Connect with us for more details on our activities and services